So, I've spent a coupla hours this afternoon digging through the paper that comes into my house. It's now sorted into piles and I discovered the name of our termite company (termite inspection was due in March....that should be a fun Monday morning call)
I'm doing this knowing that with Ben and Jack going to school on Monday - that paper trail that's been blissfully cold for two monthes is going to pick up quickly. Sigh.
I need a system and a person to help keep me accountable! In the meantime, I'll gear up to call the termite company.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Where's the toliet brush?
I asked my husband if he had seen the toliet brush that sits in the toliet brush holder next to got it....toliet. After I asked him this I had two thoughts:
a. This? Is one item you never want to go MIA. It's never really an item you want to have a conversation about it (so why am I blogging about it? I dunno, need to get a life and/or Kindle?)
b. He probably didn't even know we had one. Or really, that we had three. One for each toliet.
He had no clue we owned these. Really?
And, who knows where it is. Maybe in the backyard. Thankful we have a privacy fence. I'm not going to go look for it at the moment.
The only other item I have ----if you try on a dress that you last wore 9 years ago, kudos to you if it fits. But, don't expect it to look the same.
And to close......
Ben "Give me that, or I'm gonna go break your favorite toy."
Jack " Ha Ha, I don't have a favorite toy."
a. This? Is one item you never want to go MIA. It's never really an item you want to have a conversation about it (so why am I blogging about it? I dunno, need to get a life and/or Kindle?)
b. He probably didn't even know we had one. Or really, that we had three. One for each toliet.
He had no clue we owned these. Really?
And, who knows where it is. Maybe in the backyard. Thankful we have a privacy fence. I'm not going to go look for it at the moment.
The only other item I have ----if you try on a dress that you last wore 9 years ago, kudos to you if it fits. But, don't expect it to look the same.
And to close......
Ben "Give me that, or I'm gonna go break your favorite toy."
Jack " Ha Ha, I don't have a favorite toy."
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Hunting Easter Eggs and The Journey of Friendship
This Saturday we get to go to dear friends to their annual Easter Egg Hunt - The first friends we made when we moved to Conway 7 years ago. Although they have girls & are active in girly & girly sporty things and also go to a different school - we have a fun bond and we've....well, been friends for 7 years. For someone (me) who moved around a lot as a child, it's nice to have history with them. I'm comforted that my friend is looking forward to my "Green Bean Bundles" (and the white wine I told her I would love to bring :) and that the laughter will come easily and I'll get to meet some new friends of hers. *Do hope that Jack doesn't decide to pee in back yard during Easter Egg Hunt at her new house with new friends #veryinappropriate.
Oh, and true to my blog's name, I plan to do some house cleaning etc and maybe earn a hall pass for a glass of wine Friday night with my Best Friend Who's Moving to Atlanta (Let's just call her traitor for short) I am trying to appreciate the journey of friendships. I thank my God for my friends - those here and those not so close.
Oh, and true to my blog's name, I plan to do some house cleaning etc and maybe earn a hall pass for a glass of wine Friday night with my Best Friend Who's Moving to Atlanta (Let's just call her traitor for short) I am trying to appreciate the journey of friendships. I thank my God for my friends - those here and those not so close.
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Circle of....
not Life....The Circle of Missing Objects! Always, there is something out of whack, missing in my world - something of significance, a debit card, my glasses, one diamond earring, the visa car keys
I have come to accept this. Give it a day or two and the item in question falls back into place. Or, you call and cancel a card (only did it once).
At the moment, I'm missing my "new" glasses - the ones that are only 5 years old. So, I'm wearing my old ones that are 10 year olds - they give me a headache - something I forget until Robin, my wise friend reminds me. My "new glasses" that sit crooked on my face because they've been baby and boy handled - are probably under a bed or couch somewhere. But the more time passes, the more I walk by the toy box and wonder........hmmmm......
Another item in the Circle of missing objects - the toilet roll springy holder thing. Ever since the 7 year old figured out how to get it to pop off of the holder, it has disappeared several times. The puzzling thing with this last time - I'd see it, think to pick it up, forget where it was and life would go on. It came together this weekend. I sat on the coach (something I do about once a week, on Sunday, to read the paper) and saw something shiny from under an end table in the Living Room. Ah ha! Found it! The elusive toilet paper springy thing! It's back in play now. Just a matter of time before the new glasses resurface. Patience, grasshopper, patience. I'm learning to be more patient with myself (can't afford personal organizer, might as well learn some patience)
I have come to accept this. Give it a day or two and the item in question falls back into place. Or, you call and cancel a card (only did it once).
At the moment, I'm missing my "new" glasses - the ones that are only 5 years old. So, I'm wearing my old ones that are 10 year olds - they give me a headache - something I forget until Robin, my wise friend reminds me. My "new glasses" that sit crooked on my face because they've been baby and boy handled - are probably under a bed or couch somewhere. But the more time passes, the more I walk by the toy box and wonder........hmmmm......
Another item in the Circle of missing objects - the toilet roll springy holder thing. Ever since the 7 year old figured out how to get it to pop off of the holder, it has disappeared several times. The puzzling thing with this last time - I'd see it, think to pick it up, forget where it was and life would go on. It came together this weekend. I sat on the coach (something I do about once a week, on Sunday, to read the paper) and saw something shiny from under an end table in the Living Room. Ah ha! Found it! The elusive toilet paper springy thing! It's back in play now. Just a matter of time before the new glasses resurface. Patience, grasshopper, patience. I'm learning to be more patient with myself (can't afford personal organizer, might as well learn some patience)
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sonic CREAM Slushes
Jack and I went on a little trip to put gas in my car for the week (I had enough gas to get to the mountain, but not enough to get back down to a gas station) and decided that after $53 at Shell, a trip to Sonic would be appropriate, or at least would lessen the sting of the gas purchase.
It was easy to decide what to bring back to Ben who was at home circling a new friend's house, hoping she would come out to play. Orange CREAM Slush *note, these are not included in Sonic Happy Hour half off unless it's a special promotion. They are $2.39.
When I returned with said treat, his dad said "you know, Ben was recollecting the last drink you brought home for him, an Orange SLUSH (no cream) and he said "You know, I almost lost faith in her over that one." #itsgoingtohappensoonerorlater
It was easy to decide what to bring back to Ben who was at home circling a new friend's house, hoping she would come out to play. Orange CREAM Slush *note, these are not included in Sonic Happy Hour half off unless it's a special promotion. They are $2.39.
When I returned with said treat, his dad said "you know, Ben was recollecting the last drink you brought home for him, an Orange SLUSH (no cream) and he said "You know, I almost lost faith in her over that one." #itsgoingtohappensoonerorlater
Friday, April 1, 2011
Unloading the dishwasher
I appreciate my husband very much - he has pretty much taken over the loading and unloading of the kitchen dishwasher since I began working and have a 40 minute commute (his is 3.5 - so glad he's close to kids, etc) We think differently, however. I have no problem with unloading my wine glass (singular) and placing it next to my coffee mugs. Makes perfect sense to me - why not group the vices? This will mess with his mind and I expect to be searching for my wine glass when it's his turn next.
That's all I got.
That's all I got.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Can we build an elevator?
I wish I was the mom who planned lego day or frozen yogart day - I'm the mom with the goal of returning the report card to school that we've had at home for two weeks.
For Christmas, I purchased my 7 year old a "How Things Work" book. He can't or won't read all the text, so we try to build things via the pictures. He also got a bucket of gears from his Gran and Grandad. The boy is busy.
His four year old brother, "Huggy, mommy huggy, kissy, mommy KISSY" is very affectionate and today hugged his classmates at school so hard some of them got a bit red in the face.
These boys who equally love each other and fight with each other get most excited to spend time in the garage with their dad, working on "Old Blue," a 1948 Chevrolet truck that my husband "won" on Ebay.
Anyway, that's a brief introduction. Time for teeth brushing and goodnight book reading.
For Christmas, I purchased my 7 year old a "How Things Work" book. He can't or won't read all the text, so we try to build things via the pictures. He also got a bucket of gears from his Gran and Grandad. The boy is busy.
His four year old brother, "Huggy, mommy huggy, kissy, mommy KISSY" is very affectionate and today hugged his classmates at school so hard some of them got a bit red in the face.
These boys who equally love each other and fight with each other get most excited to spend time in the garage with their dad, working on "Old Blue," a 1948 Chevrolet truck that my husband "won" on Ebay.
Anyway, that's a brief introduction. Time for teeth brushing and goodnight book reading.
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