Monday, April 18, 2011

The Circle of....

not Life....The Circle of Missing Objects!  Always, there is something out of whack, missing in my world - something of significance, a debit card, my glasses, one diamond earring, the visa car keys
I have come to accept this.  Give it a day or two and the item in question falls back into place.  Or, you call and cancel a card (only did it once).  

At the moment, I'm missing my "new" glasses - the ones that are only 5 years old.  So, I'm wearing my old ones that are 10 year olds - they give me a headache - something I forget until Robin, my wise friend reminds me.  My "new glasses" that sit crooked on my face because they've been baby and boy handled - are probably under a bed or couch somewhere.  But the more time passes, the more I walk by the toy box and wonder........hmmmm...... 

Another item in the Circle of missing objects - the toilet roll springy holder thing.  Ever since the 7 year old figured out how to get it to pop off of the holder, it has disappeared several times.    The puzzling thing with this last time - I'd see it, think to pick it up, forget where it was and life would go on.  It came together this weekend.  I sat on the coach (something I do about once a week, on Sunday, to read the paper) and saw something shiny from under an end table in the Living Room.  Ah ha!  Found it!  The elusive toilet paper springy thing!  It's back in play now.  Just a matter of time before the new glasses resurface.  Patience, grasshopper, patience.  I'm learning to be more patient with myself (can't afford personal organizer, might as well learn some patience)

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